यदि आप MP BOARD 2025 CLASS 12 ENGLISH SELF TEST QUIZ की सहायता से अपनी तैयारी स्वयं जांचना चाहते हैं तो आप पूरी पोस्ट व् उसके प्रश्नों को अच्छी तरह से पढ़ें व् उनके उत्तर दें . MP BOARD 2025 की अंग्रेजी विषय की तैयारी कर रहे स्टूडेंट्स जानते होंगे कि English विषय के वार्षिक परीक्षा के प्रश्न पत्र में 4 भाग होते हैं –

SECTION A ( Reading )
SECTION B ( Writing )
SECTION C ( Grammar )
SECTION D ( Extract and Questions )
MP BOARD 2025 CLASS 12 ENGLISH SELF TEST QUIZ में गत वर्षों की परीक्षावों में उक्त चारो भागों से पूंछे गए महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों के आधार पर एक self टेस्ट क्विज तैयार की गई है जिसके प्रश्नों का अभ्यास आपकी तैयारी जांचने में उपयोगी होगा .
भौतिकशास्त्र कक्षा 12 की क्विज को हल करें
रसायन शास्त्र कक्षा 12 की क्विज को हल करें
जीव विज्ञान कक्षा 12 क्विज हल करें
राजनीतिशास्त्र कक्षा 12 क्विज हल करें
MP BOARD 2025 CLASS 12 ENGLISH SELF TEST QUIZ के प्रश्नों को हल करें
MP BOARD 2025 CLASS 12 ENGLISH SELF TEST QUIZ के प्रश्नों को पढ़ें

Section A Reading
यह पैसेज प्रैक्टिस के लिए है मुख्य परीक्षा में इसी प्रकार का पैसेज आ सकता है जिसके उत्तर पैसेज को ठीक से पढ़कर दिए जा सकते हैं
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below-
Education is a sub-system of the wider social system. Although it functions autonomously, it has linkage with the economic, political, religious and other sub-system which exert a powerful influence on the goals of the educational sub-system.
Education can rarely free itself from social and cultural norms and has to relate itself to the needs of society.
Due to globalization and modernization, our society is passing through momentous changes in its value system. Values of yesteryears have taken a backseat and materialism, corruption, this honesty and other negative values have come to the fore.
At this junction, all formal and informal agencies of education like Family, School and community should realise the explosiveness of the situation. It is rightly said values cannot be taught, they are caught. All the agencies should become role model if we want our youth to be on the right path.
Absence of a congenial and loving atmosphere and quarrel among parents are the major hurdles in this direction. In a nutshell, the family has ceased to be an institution for providing cultural, aesthetic and moral education.
On the other hand, formal education is squeezed between memory and mechanisation. The teacher has become a businessman doing private tuition instead of institutional teaching. Race for degrees and jobs has deteriorated the situation further.
The National policy of education 1986 has shown concerned in this regard when it says, “The growing concern over the erosion of essential values and ends increasing cynicism in society has brought to focus the need for adjustment in the curriculum in order to make education of forceful tool for the cultivation of social and moral values.”
The whole system of education needs complete over-hauling. If at all, we the citizens are desirous of thwarting deterioration in values, teaching at all levels must emphasise on moral education and character building. Intellect without wisdom can be suicidal.
Q 1 What is a subsystem of the wider social system ?
(a) economics
(b) culture
(c) education
(d) globalization
Q 2 Education system is linked with……..
(a) economic
(b) economic, political and religious
(c) geographical
(d) all of these
3. Which factors have great impact on education system.
(a) finance
(b) racism
(c) society and culture
(d) media
4. What are the main cause of momentous changes in its value system?
(a) ancient culture
(b) backseat and materialism
(c) globalization and modernization
(d) all of these
5. What is the primary Institution of education?
(a) school
(b) career counseling classes
(c) home
(d) coaching institutes
6. Give the word from the passage that gives the meaning of ‘pleasant’:
(a) congenial
(b) nutshell
(c) explosiveness
(d) curriculum
7. Cultural aesthetic and moral education can be found in…….
(a) friend circle
(b) religious discourse
(c) family
(d) office
8. What is the Rival of institutional teaching ?
(a) society
(b) globalization
(c) moral education
(d) private tuition
9. The national education policy 1986 emphasise on
(a) readjustment
(b) cultivation
(c) re adjustment in curriculum
(d) wisdom
10. The noun form of Economics.
(a) economic
(b) economy
(c) economical
(d) economically
Section C (Grammar)
Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option:
(11) The temple is ——— the middle of the river.
(a) on
(b) in
(c) into
(d) at
(12) Let’s go to ———————market where my father has put up stall.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) no article
(13) The boy ——– the bird almost everyday.
(a) catch
(b) catches
(c) catching
(d) caught
(14) I think it _______ rain today.
(a) may
(b) must
(c) can
(d) can’
(15) There are ________ precious books in the library.
(a) much
(b) any
(c) some
(d) each
(16) We are going ———— a match today.
(a) playing
(b) to play
(c) played
(d) play
(17) My friend lives ——–New Delhi.
(a) in
(b) at
(c) into
(d) on
Do as directed-
(18) He is too weak to stand. [Rewrite using so ……. that]
(19) The child cried for milk. [Change into past continuous tense]
(20) (a) He gets his salary.
(b) He starts spending it.
[Combine using No sooner …………. than]
(21) Raju /write / can / either / with / hand.
[Rearrange the words and make a sentence]
(22) (a) Sita does not sing.
(b) She does not dance.
[Combine the sentences using neither nor]
(23) Mr. Gupta teaches us Hindi. [Change the voice]
(24) If they do not work properly, they will be punished.
[Rewrite using unless in place of If]
Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions given below it:
It had happened when I was ten or eleven years old. I had decided to learn to swim. There was a pool at the Y.M.C.A. in Yakima that offered exactly the opportunity. The Yakima river was treacherous. Mother continually warned against it, and kept fresh in my mind the details of each drowning in the river. But the Y.M.C.A. pool was safe. It was only two or three feet deep at the shallow end; and while it was nine feet deep at the other, the drop was gradual. I got a pair of water wings and went to the pool. I heated to walk naked into it and show my skinny legs. But I subdued my pride and did it.
(25) Name the author of the above extract.
(a) Anees Jung
(b) William Douglas
(c) Louis Fischer
(d) A.R. Barton
(26) According to the extract what is the name of the river.
(a) Easton
(b) Y.M.C.A.
(c) Yakima
(d) Ellensburg
(27) The author speaks about the misadventure when he was –
(a) 10-Year-Old
(b) ten or eleven years old
(c) nine years old
(d) three years old
(28) Find a word from the extract which means Dangerous.
(a) gradual
(b) treacherous
(c) deep
(d) shallow
(29) Synonyms of gradual
(a) gentle
(b) sage
(c) deep
(d) hate
Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option –
30. We keep our bread in the fridge ……………. it doesn’t go bad.
(a) after
(b) So that
(c) since
(d) although
31. How ………….. milk do you buy daily?
(a) many
(b) few
(c) all
(d) much
32. Indian youth is full ……………. hope for the bright future of the country.
(a) of
(b) for
(c) at
(d) on
(33) Mohan …………… speak two languages.
(a) need
(b) dare
(c) can
(d) used to
(34) ……………… man who wrote this book is my friend.
(a) A
(b) An
(c) The
(d) No article
35. I know ………… he is ill.
(a) who
(b) that
(c) which
(d) where
Do as directed
(36) My friend sent me a letter.
(change the voice)
(37) As soon as I met my friend, I started weeping.
(Rewrite the sentence using No sooner….than’)
(38) You can catch the bus if you take a taxi.
(Rewrite using ‘unless’ in place of ‘if’)
(39) He had his lunch.
(Change into ‘past perfect’ tense)
(40) (a) She did not talk to me.
(b) She did not look at me.
(Combine the sentences using ‘neither…nor’)
(41) You / have / how much / experience / got?
(Rearrange the words and make a sentence)
(42) The tea is so hot that I can’t drink it.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘too….to’)
Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions given below-
When I first visited Gandhi in 1942 at his ashram in Sevagram, in central India. he said, “I will tell you how it happened that I decided to urge the departure of the British. It was in 1917”.
He had gone to the December 1916 annual convention of the Indian National Congress Party in Lucknow. There were 2,301 delegates and many visitors. During the proceedings, Gandhi recounted, “a peasant came up to me looking like any other peasant in India, poor and emaciated, and said. ‘I am Rajkumar Shukla. I am from Champaran, and I want you to come to my district!” Gandhi had never heard of the place. It was in the foothills of the towering Himalayas near the Kingdom of Nepal.
Questions – 43. How many delegates were there in the annual convention of the Indian National Congress Party?
(a) 2,301
(b) 2,401
(c) 2,500
(d) 2,600
44. When did Rajkumar Shukla meet Gandhi?
(a) in 1916
(b) in 1917
(c) in 1942
(d) in 1947
45. Give the similar meaning of the word ‘peasant
(a) visitor
(b) traveller
(c) Convener
(d) farmer
46. Champaran is situated –
(a) in Sevagram
(b) In Lucknow
(c) near Nepal
(d) near Sri Lanka
47. From which lesson this extract has been taken?
(a) The Last Lesson
(b) Indigo
(c) The Interview
(d) Going Places
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
48. Mohan is ………… M.A. of Vikram university. (a, an, the)
49. She did not make ………… Mistake in the essay. (any, much, many)
50. When I was at school I ………… Never understand physics. (can, could, may)
ऊपर दिए गए प्रश्नों के सभी उत्तर के लिए ऊपर दी गई क्विज को हल करके सही उत्तर जान सकते हैं .